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EMK - Cluster auto upgrades

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes

This page describes how to setup automatic upgrade for your kubernetes cluster patch version and machine images. It will also describe how those settings are configured in the YAML structure.

Fuga Cloud's Enterprise Managed Kubernetes offers two automatic upgrade features:

  • Automatic patch version in-place upgrade
  • Automatic operating system (machine image) version rolling upgrade

An automatic upgrade will happen in the next maintenance window for your cluster. It is possible to change the maintenance window for each cluster in the dashboard.

When the Kubernetes patch version is updated, the upgrade occurs in-place. This means that the worker nodes of the shoot remain unaffected, and only the kubelet process restarts with the new Kubernetes version binary. The same process applies for any configuration changes to the kubelet.

However, if the Kubernetes minor version is updated, the upgrade is carried out through a "rolling update" approach, akin to how pods are updated in Kubernetes (when managed by a Deployment). During this process, new worker nodes are created and old ones are then terminated. The existing workload is gracefully drained and evicted from the old worker nodes to the new ones, adhering to any configured PodDisruptionBudgets.

Upgrading an EMK Cluster is straightforward.

Navigate to the EMK Cluster overview in the Fuga dashboard

Select region

Select the cluster to head over to the cluster detailed page. Navigate then to Logging and Monitoring to access Auto update.

Select region

Click on the pencil symbol to edit the auto upgrade. In this for it is possible to change:

  • Cluster maintenance window
  • Operating System (machine image)
  • Kubernetes patch version
      kubernetesVersion: true
      machineImageVersion: true
      begin: 160000+0000
      end: 170000+0000